JKA Nordic Cleaning ServicesJKA Nordic Cleaning Services
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(+971) 4 382 7867
9am - 6pm


Operation Inspection

  • JKA Nordic offers operational inspectors who can plan, lead and perform inspection.
  • The inspectors initiate inspections, evaluate findings and reports distributed and reviewed with client.
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Dropped Object Inspection

  • As a member of the DROPS. we regularly attend seminars to combat falling objects, to exchange experiences with other players in the industry.
  • Since 2009, we have conducted systematic third-party inspections to prevent dropped objects (DO) in towers, buildings, drilling rigs, drilling modules, cranes, and operating modules onshore and offshore. The inspection programs include all fixed equipment, moving equipment and loose equipment used in the height.
  • In recent years, inspections have also developed to control both primary and secondary barriers on fixed and mobile equipment.