JKA Nordic Cleaning ServicesJKA Nordic Cleaning Services
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(+971) 4 382 7867
9am - 6pm

Private Sector Cleaning Services

Daily cleaning this means that it must be clean on a daily basis, depending on areas and surface need to be clean we can perform deep or hard cleaning. Dust and dirt accumulate quickly and can cause illness and allergies. Having a clean indoor environment is first and foremost important because it has a great impact on those who stay on the premises.

We perform following services:

Indoor deep cleaning, all rooms, floor cleaning, cleaning of toilets and other sanitary rooms, emptying bins, kitchen cleaning and washing and drying surfaces such as office desks, door handles, etc.

Findings show that poor cleaning of premises is directly related to higher sickness absence. In addition, the people who are to stay in the room, be it family, employees or customers, notice whether it is clean or not. Let us help you keep it clean!

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